Saturday, March 12, 2011

This is going to be one busy year...

I met with my research adviser on Thursday at the Petit Colon, an old fashioned café. We had only emailed before, and although we had been able to communicate, our conversations had never been personal. They were purely business due to my inability to communicate well over email in Spanish. Well, after talking for two hours I don’t think I could have found a better adviser. She not only knows everything about Argentine comics, but was friendly and welcoming. We talked about her work and my project. These are the things that I will be doing this year:

  • This semester I am going to take “History of Media,” which includes TV and photography, and next semester I am going to take her “Sequential Art” seminar about comics.
  • I am going to work in the archives in the Biblioteca Nacional, scanning old comics and writing about my findings.
  • Helping her prepare for the Viñetas Serias conference in September and then attending the conference.
  • Meeting every comic artist/writer EVER. She is friends with all of my favorite writers.
  • Going to shows about comic books…apparently there are different ones every week!
  • Classes on guionismo (comic book “directing” aka writing) with her husband, Diego Agrimbau, and at Escuela Argentina de la Historieta.
  • Reading everything from her giant library of comics.

Laura always ends her emails by telling me to prepare myself for all the work to come. Given this list, I will be quite busy this year.


  1. This is so cool it boggles my mind. I'm really looking forward to future blog posts.

  2. Looks like a wonderful year ahead for you and for your advisor. She doesn't know yet what a gem she has in you.
